Welcome to my new writing venture, the 100 Theme Challenge. This was originally a drawing prompt that appeared on deviantART but it's taken on a bit of a life of its own, especially since it can be applied to pretty much any creative work. In my case, obviously it's writing.
Part of the reason I'm doing this is to continue building daily writing as a habit, but unlike the course I was doing that's not the only reason. I also need more experience in dealing with characters rather than plots, since I really need to make my characters stand out more as people. So I'm combining the 100 Themes with Tracy Culleton's List of Character Traits and giving each character in the scene three random traits that I need to show through their interactions.
Don't expect any of this to be great literature or anything, it's mostly going to be 1000 word or so drabbles. I think of it as something like a sketchbook, where I doodle around with ideas and see what comes up. Maybe eventually I'll pop out some decent ideas that are worth putting in longer stories, who knows? Even if I don't, it's worth the effort.